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Get in touch

If you’re interested in collaboration, have media inquiries, or want to explore ways to support the Nature Returns project, this is the place to start.

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Frequently asked questions

What types of businesses does Nature Returns project collaborate with?

We are looking to collaborate and support business ideas that can contribute to reduce or reverse environmental problems or threats to protected areas. On the top of a good idea, we value business concepts that can bring local jobs and economic benefits to the communities in and around the protected areas.

How do I get started with partnering my business with Nature Returns project?

The five pilot sites of Nature Returns are launching calls for business ideas, with an explanation of what problems and threats are to be addressed. You can check these calls or contact directly Nature Returns or the protected areas to tell us about your business idea.

How does Nature Returns project facilitate networking opportunities?

Nature Returns will put entrepreneurs and the managers of protected areas in touch, for exploring the best ways to develop businesses. Also, we support entrepreneurs with our academy led by Connectology, and promote exchanges between entrepreneurs of different sites.

How can we join the project to benefit a Protected Area?

If you want to explore how useful our approach can be to your site, just contact us directly to tell us about the characteristics of your site and the threats that affect it; we will be happy to present solutions to you.